
How To Change Bios Settings Windows 7

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This wikiHow teaches you how to access and alter your Windows computer's BIOS page. The BIOS is a fix of built-in options that allows you to change system aspects like the data and fourth dimension. Since the BIOS is tied to a reckoner's motherboard, the appearance of each computer'south BIOS will vary slightly depending on the manufacturer.

  1. 1

    Restart your figurer. Open Start

    , click the ability icon

    , and click Restart.

    • If your reckoner is locked, click the lock screen, and then click the power icon in the lesser-correct corner of the screen and click Restart.
    • If your estimator is already off, press your computer's "On" switch.
  2. 2

    Wait for the figurer'due south first startup screen to appear. One time the startup screen appears, you'll have a very express window in which you can press the setup key.

    • Information technology'southward best to start pressing the setup central as soon as the computer begins to restart.
    • If yous see "Press [central] to enter setup" or something like wink across the bottom of the screen and then disappear, you'll need to restart and endeavor again.


  3. three

    Press and hold Del or F2 to enter setup. The key y'all're prompted to press might likewise exist dissimilar; if so, use that key instead.

    • You'll typically use the "F" keys to access the BIOS. These are at the tiptop of your keyboard, though you may have to locate and concur the Fn central while pressing the proper "F" key.
    • You can look at your calculator model's manual or online support page to ostend your computer's BIOS key.
  4. four

    Wait for your BIOS to load. After successfully hit the setup cardinal, the BIOS will load. This should only take a few moments. When the loading is complete, you will be taken to the BIOS settings menu.


  1. 1

    Familiarize yourself with the BIOS controls. Since BIOS menus don't support mouse input, you'll need to use the pointer keys and other computer-specific keys to navigate the BIOS. You tin can usually discover a list of controls in the lesser-right corner of the BIOS homepage.

  2. 2

    Change your settings carefully. When adjusting settings in your BIOS, be certain that you certain what the settings will touch on. Changing settings incorrectly can pb to system or hardware failure.

    • If you don't know what you lot desire to change coming into the BIOS, you probably shouldn't modify anything.
  3. 3

    Change the boot order. If you lot want to change what device to kick from, enter the Boot carte. From here, you can designate which device the computer will attempt to boot from first. This is useful for booting from a disc or flash drive to install or repair an operating organization.

    • You'll typically use the pointer keys to go over to the Boot tab to start this process.
  4. 4

    Create a BIOS password. You can create a password that will lock the computer from booting unless the correct password is entered.

  5. 5

    Modify your date and time. Your BIOS'due south clock will dictate your Windows clock. If you supervene upon your computer's battery, your BIOS clock will most likely exist reset.

  6. half dozen

    Modify fan speeds and arrangement voltages. These options are for advanced users simply. In this carte du jour, you lot can overclock your CPU, potentially assuasive for higher performance. This should be performed simply if y'all are comfy with your computer's hardware.

  7. seven

    Relieve and exit. When you are finished adjusting your settings, you volition need to save and get out by using your BIOS' "Relieve and Get out" key in order for your changes to take effect. When you save and restart, your reckoner will reboot with the new settings.

    • Check the BIOS fundamental fable to run into which key is the "Salvage and Exit" key.


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  • Question

    I cannot change my BIOS settings. I can still access information technology, but information technology'southward all grayed out. I can only change the date and time. What tin I do to fix this?


    If all your BIOS items are grayed out (simply you tin nonetheless access it), you probably have the administrator (or setup) password set. To unlock your BIOS, get to the Security tab , find the "Unlock Setup" (or like) row and blazon your password into the box. Annotation that if yous enter the password wrong three times, you lot volition have to restart your computer, enter the BIOS and then endeavor again.

  • Question

    How tin I bypass the BIOS setup screen so that my PC will showtime up more quickly?

    Community Answer

    You simply cannot. Starting BIOS is a vital role of the start upward process of your computer, so you tin can't skip it.

  • Question

    How practice I access BIOS in Windows 8.i?

    Community Answer

    The BIOS depends on your computer'south hardware. Endeavour doing a Google search for how to access the BIOS for your reckoner.

  • Question

    How do I change the boot bulldoze when changing my computer'due south BIOS settings?

    Community Answer

    Y'all can search for the key y'all demand to printing to open up up a selection of drives to boot up from. This varies from motherboard to motherboard. Once you press that central, then select the drive you lot want to boot from.

  • Question

    How do I enable the advanced setting in insydeh2o bios?

    Community Answer

    Press A after pressing your default key to open bios.

  • Question

    How do I erase the startup logo in my PC?

    Community Answer

    The BIOS is where all the hardware is checked and you see manifestly alphanumeric text cipher by on the screen earlier the operating system starts. The BIOS is where you get the choice to kicking upward with the logo; unfortunately, not every BIOS offers the selection to eliminate that. (The logo might be called the "splash screen.")

  • Question

    When might I demand to change the BIOS setting?

    Community Answer

    Later you replace your battery, for example, you volition probably need to alter the BIOS time considering it will probably reset.

  • Question

    Is there a way to access my figurer without a BIOS countersign?

    Community Answer

    Perhaps -- it depends on what person or website it'due south from. Some websites inquire for a password or electronic mail. The answer isn't cut and dry.

  • Question

    How can I install USB WiFi?

    Community Answer

    If the USB antenna needs its own commuter on top of the Windows defaults, a good idea would be to download it into a dissimilar device, and send it over to your own computer (exist information technology on a USB bulldoze, a disc, or any other method.) In any other instance, Windows *should* run the USB antenna by itself.

  • Question

    I've simply bought a refurbished Dell laptop for my granddaughter, as it is turned on it says "No bootable devices" and gives options F1 retry, F2 setup utility or F5 diagnostics. Tin this be stock-still?

    Rudy Toth

    Rudy Toth

    Community Answer

    Select F2 setup utility change the kick parameters to C:\ and save the file since you lot've made changes to the MBF (Master Boot File). Go out out and re-boot the reckoner. Some go in a sequence, from A:\ to C:\ to D:\.

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  • Your computer'south BIOS settings may be significantly more limited than some other estimator's BIOS settings.

  • Windows 8 and ten computers tend to take motherboards that brand accessing the BIOS incredibly difficult. You lot'll likely have to restart and attempt over again several times before y'all reach the BIOS.

  • A useful task is to check the boot social club. If you have the Bone on the hard drive, brand certain that the hard bulldoze is the first in the kicking order. This can save a few seconds off kick time.


  • Don't change any settings that you aren't sure well-nigh.

  • If you are going to wink the BIOS after, do NOT attempt this. If you lot have already changed settings, you must reset your BIOS. Instructions on how to reset your BIOS can be constitute here: Reset Your BIOS


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